Ramsey, Queen of Popcorn®
Dems have a framing issue. We often use the narratives pushed by Conservatives/Repubs, reinforcing their point. We need to have similar Think Tanks to focus our efforts & then all get on the same damn page. Repubs might be in-fighting but constantly repeat the same talking points in the media.
EdwardA(callmeEd)Peterson @EdwardAPeterson
So this brings a question to my mind --

Should we stop framing this as an attack on democracy --
and start framing it as an attack on our nation from within?
Reclaim the title patriot?
Rename them as rebels?
09:34 PM - May 11, 2023
09:46 PM - May 11, 2023
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Acey Deecey 🚀🚀
In response to Ramsey, Queen of Popcorn®.
I think federal Dems may have a framing issue but I know local Dems in many cities, towns, and counties, they do great in showing what's the alternative to voting for them. I wonder why the national party won't go for it. Jaime Harrison has the nuts, he needs to let loose.
10:01 PM - May 11, 2023
Ramsey, Queen of Popcorn®
I'm glad to hear about local Dems. But some Liberals are bashing Biden for not doing this or that instead of singing his praises & it's why we need overall talking points. Also, I think a conference like CPAC for Libs too. It would pump up our base & helps circle the wagons.
In response to Acey Deecey 🚀🚀.
11:14 PM - May 11, 2023
Acey Deecey 🚀🚀
In response to Ramsey, Queen of Popcorn®.
Honestly, some of the problem is Dems are so different across the board. The problem with the 2 party system is it's the fascists and then everyone else. Liberals can be homophobic, racist, misogynist, transphobic, classist...rarely are we all on the same page. Hence no real "national" message.
12:17 AM - May 12, 2023
Ramsey, Queen of Popcorn®
In response to Acey Deecey 🚀🚀.
Reading the book, "Don't Think Of An Elephant," by George Lakoff helped me see how Conservatives shape the narratives we often see/hear, especially in the media & why Dems are constantly on the defense instead of the offense. I think it should be mandatory for any Dem candidate & campaign staff.
01:32 AM - May 12, 2023


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