Pierson Tyler-Leonard
thread 1/3
It started off w/electing a sociopathic Trump to office & has come full (firing)circle for the GOP, many of whom are not nearly as radical as their loudest voices make the country believe they are, but who's silence & cowardice have come home in this circular firing squad of who can be the cruelest.
05:04 PM - May 18, 2023
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Pierson Tyler-Leonard
thread 2/3
B/c the GOP gave into Trumpism for the short term gains w/o realizing these gains would disappear the moment Roe was overturned b/c the most radical & craven amongst the GOP, those in the state houses would then launch a campaign of further unpopular & dangerous restrictions cementing their fates..
05:07 PM - May 18, 2023
Pierson Tyler-Leonard
thread 3/3
And it's literally becoming a firing circle of grievance & hate thru legislation & policy ideas that they're turning away even their own former voters who see the GOP as too extreme & too dangerous to allow power to b/c the GOP is held hostage to a rabid MAGA base of their own making, what you sow..
05:10 PM - May 18, 2023
Helaine The Pain
In response to Pierson Tyler-Leonard.
There really are no nice words that describe how astounded I am that there are so many kiss-asses in the republican party officials in government with respect to TFG. Anyone else did what he has done would have been shunned. Never seen anything like it before to such an extreme.
05:10 PM - May 18, 2023
Pierson Tyler-Leonard
In response to Helaine The Pain.
Who remembers the good ole' days where a politician could not even contemplate a divorce & stay in office..? Sure those men kept secret mistresses, were morally bankrupt, & asshat hypocrites but they were never public about it & so there was, at a minimum, an expectation of decorum, but no more..
08:20 AM - May 19, 2023


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