Woke/Saying NO to polls
Insist on what exactly? Voters must decide on voting for Democracy and Democrats. Hands are tied if you’re not in the majority.
David 1914 @drfire
It never ceases to amaze me that the supporters of the Democrats don’t insist that their party govern more effectively given they know how badly the Republicans behave. But maybe they aren’t really wanting change but just the appearance of change.
02:13 PM - May 20, 2023
02:24 PM - May 20, 2023
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David 1914
In response to Woke/Saying NO to polls.
The GOP has been moving more and more right with the start of the Reagan admin. What has been the Democrats response to this? To move towards the right as well. So what are left leaning Democrats to do? To hear Dems on here they should shut up and vote knowing their concerns will be ignored.
04:36 PM - May 20, 2023
David 1914
In response to David 1914.
In an effort to try to capture white midwestern voters the Democrats have moved further right without any proof that they are capturing these voters. In the meantime, people’s rights are getting trampled on but the people who question this logic are told to shut up and shamed if they vote 3rd party.
04:41 PM - May 20, 2023
John Colagioia
In response to Woke/Saying NO to polls.
"I don't see why the party that supports democracy doesn't just become an authoritarian nightmare to get me what I want" isn't nearly the argument for stopping authoritarians that they always seem to think it is...
03:07 PM - May 20, 2023
Dan Dan
In response to Woke/Saying NO to polls.
There are things that can be done. Expand the SC, quit the bullshit with the debt ceiling. Dems continue to act as if it's business as usual while R's are willing to do anything to win. Democracy is literally at stake, that's not hyperbole. Dems need to get their hands dirty
02:31 PM - May 20, 2023
Professor Kyle
In response to Dan Dan.
This is nonsense. You can't expand the SC without having control of the House. Do you want Biden to do it by decree? That's absurd, illegal, & just wouldn't work. Biden may be forced to use the "14th amendment" solution for the debt ceiling, but that same Court will surely invalidate it quickly.
02:41 PM - May 20, 2023


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