Woke/Saying NO to polls
Insist on what exactly? Voters must decide on voting for Democracy and Democrats. Hands are tied if you’re not in the majority.
David 1914 @drfire
It never ceases to amaze me that the supporters of the Democrats don’t insist that their party govern more effectively given they know how badly the Republicans behave. But maybe they aren’t really wanting change but just the appearance of change.
02:13 PM - May 20, 2023
02:24 PM - May 20, 2023
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John Colagioia
"I don't see why the party that supports democracy doesn't just become an authoritarian nightmare to get me what I want" isn't nearly the argument for stopping authoritarians that they always seem to think it is...
In response to Woke/Saying NO to polls.
03:07 PM - May 20, 2023


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