April Ayres-Griffiths
@cbouzy is it worth adding a solution article for the notification tab issue? I dug around and finally found I could delete all notifications to resolve it. I assume support is pretty swamped based on my experience the past week. It could help some folks self-serve if their notifs break. 🙏🏻
April Ayres-Griffiths @aprilag
#Spoutible folks who can't load notifications. Here's a work around I found, as multiple support tickets have gone unanswered over the past week.

Go to "Notifications" -> "..." menu at the top, and select "Delete All Notifications".

You'll lose old ones, but it will work again for future replies.
08:42 PM - May 20, 2023
08:55 PM - May 20, 2023
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{{ notificationModalContent }} {{ promptModalMessage }}