Amy Wolf
Not once in all the time I’ve asked, what makes you think we can convince our rw relatives and neighbors has ANYONE answered , “I have,” and given tips on how to do it. Not once . Plenty have said they tried and the result was severed relationships.
12:02 AM - May 23, 2023
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Susan Sevranek
In response to Amy Wolf.
When the Dominion lawsuit discovery docs were made known I asked my Fox Puppet son what he thought about it. Surprise! He didn’t know what I was talking about. Rather than tell him I sent the link to the actual court docs and told him to read it for himself. His response was he didn’t have time.
12:28 AM - May 23, 2023
Jeanne Gustafson
In response to Amy Wolf.
I will say, my mother used to describe herself as socially liberal and fiscally conservative and voted republican mostly, but she's grown and changed. She came to that on her own. It's the only example I can think of, and I'm very grateful for her growth.
12:07 AM - May 23, 2023
Amy Wolf
In response to Jeanne Gustafson.
That’s wonderful. I have a friend IRL who says he’s convinced 10 people in the last six years , and he had to go very slowly and listen a lot.
But of all the people shrieking online about how white women need to talk to their R friends (?? I don’t have any ), none claim to have succeeded at it.
12:48 AM - May 23, 2023


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