LaMott Jackson (CG)
thread 1/2
I wouldn't call myself a gym rat. I've had gym memberships (Bally's, Crunch), and got good workouts from both. But I'm at the point where gyms are obsolete to me. All I need are two kettlebells, and a yoga mat. Not to mention "Outside" to walk or run in.
10:14 AM - May 23, 2023
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LaMott Jackson (CG)
thread 2/2
The only thing at this point that could get me to sign up for a gym membership is if they had a pool. Otherwise I'd rather save my money.

What's your preference?. Do gyms still do it for you today?. Why, or why not?.

I like Gyms

No on that sweat box

3 votes — 10:16 AM - May 23, 2023
Chofu Alum
Same with sprint triathlons. The pandemic let me know I don't have to pay somebody for another t-shirt and finisher medal to complete a race all by myself. Plus, I can start the race anytime of day.
Besides, people are gross bags bodily fluids and they leave bits of themselves all over the place.
In response to LaMott Jackson (CG).
10:23 AM - May 23, 2023
LaMott Jackson (CG)
In response to Chofu Alum.
I'm just mad it took me this long to realize that I didn't need gyms. Friends of mine who had done time told me for ages to nevermind gyms. they had full body workouts in their cell. Granted, that's not preferred but they became resourceful and laugh at people who pay $1000's for memberships.
10:26 AM - May 23, 2023
Chofu Alum
In response to LaMott Jackson (CG).
Going to the gym *was* motivation.... I did Les Mills classes & became an instructor, so it kept me from quitting after 15 minutes in. So can't say it was a total waste of time. But I just can't imagine going back into all that gross-ness.
09:07 AM - May 24, 2023


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