L.J. Breedlove
So I promised we'd start talking books, right?
First up is Rick Wilson's ETTD.
I was raised evangelical. I left when the GOP and the church got hitched for political power to elect Reagan. Couldn't see how a Christian could pick Reagan over Carter....
#books #booksSpout
07:57 PM - Feb 02, 2023
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L.J. Breedlove
In response to L.J. Breedlove.
Carter — the epitome of a what a follower of Christ should be like.
Both the Ds and GOP were looking to the future when the US would become a pluralistic society. Ds decided that meant they needed to be a pluralistic party. (Duh.)
07:58 PM - Feb 02, 2023 (Edited)
L.J. Breedlove
In response to L.J. Breedlove.
The GOP wanted to keep a white-controlled system in place; they needed the vote count white evangels could offer. They thought they'd set the policy; evangels would vote as they told them to. Evangels had their own agenda — a theocracy really.
It was obvious in 1980 how this was going to turn out./
08:01 PM - Feb 02, 2023
L.J. Breedlove
In response to L.J. Breedlove.
Trump is a direct descendent of Reagan, Bush, and Bush.
And that's my problem with the Never Trumpers. They talk about Trump hijacking the party. And they defend Reagan, et al. No, no. Trump is exactly what the GOP were working toward. They just thought their messiah would be better looking.
08:02 PM - Feb 02, 2023
L.J. Breedlove
In response to L.J. Breedlove.
But I fumed about this online one day, and someone said, Wilson apologized in his book for his role in building this. How many times do you expect the man to apologize?
Fair point. So I bought the book. And here we go.

So join in! That's what this kind of social media is good for!
11:05 PM - Feb 02, 2023
L.J. Breedlove
Rick Wilson describes himself as a rock-solid Republican Party guy stretching back to the first Bush's 1988 election. He developed attack ads for GOP candidates across the country. But 2016, Trump was too much for him to take. (And this is a man who worked for Giuliani when he was mayor.)
In response to L.J. Breedlove.
11:12 PM - Feb 02, 2023
L.J. Breedlove
In response to L.J. Breedlove.
So he is quite blunt — I do like his wit — about thinking Trump is amoral, etc., etc, and should never be president. He worked for Rubio's campaign in the primary, and then?
Did he switch and throw his wait behind HRC for president? Nope. He ran Evan McMullin's independent bid for president.
11:17 PM - Feb 02, 2023
L.J. Breedlove
In response to L.J. Breedlove.
So there I am, nodding along, and I come to a full stop. Quite frankly, supporting McMullin or any 3rd party candidates means you contributed to Trump's 2016 win.
The margins of his win were narrow; it was time for all hands on deck. /7
11:22 PM - Feb 02, 2023
L.J. Breedlove
In response to L.J. Breedlove.
And Wilson for all of his I hate Trump rhetoric didn't hate him enough to support HRC.
And he tries to camouflage it with he's an old school conservative, a constitutionalist, but it doesn't fly. He might not have campaigned for Trump, but he didn't do what was necessary to stop him either.
11:24 PM - Feb 02, 2023


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