Khrissy Choate
thread 1/4
The 14th amendment is not and never has been a magic wand that would fix this. Had President Biden invoked it republicans would have sued, taken it to SCOTUS, and we’d have been back to square one. The economy would have gained no stability by temporarily staving off default while the case was…
Jamie Warren @Jaz258
He could have said “I’m not making social support programs dependent on people receiving them being forced to work when they are unable, told them to piss-off and used the 14th amendment to raise the limit without giving the insurrectionist party a win…but what do I know.
08:00 AM - May 28, 2023
11:33 AM - May 28, 2023
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Khrissy Choate
thread 2/4
being litigated. I don’t see how striking a deal to avoid an economic crash that would have been felt globally, and ensuring that seniors and the disabled would receive their social security and SSI checks needed to survive is “giving republicans the win.” Had we defaulted, the damage wouldn’t…
11:38 AM - May 28, 2023
Khrissy Choate
thread 3/4
have ended there. Medicare payments would have gone unpaid. Veterans pensions wouldn’t have been issued. Government employees (such as active duty military) would have been forced to work without pay as well. This deal, while not the best, staves off debt talks until 2025….
11:42 AM - May 28, 2023
Khrissy Choate
thread 4/4
In the meantime we need to put in the work to make it so Democrats take back the house, keep the senate, and the White House in order to pass the kind of budget package we want.
11:45 AM - May 28, 2023
J.D. Cunegan
I agree, I get why POTUS did what he did, and the deal was likely as good as we were gonna get with adults only on one side of the table. I'm just tired of this "default crisis" bullshit every 10 years or so. We need to take that option off the table completely.
In response to Khrissy Choate.
09:31 AM - May 29, 2023
Khrissy Choate
In response to J.D. Cunegan.
I absolutely agree with that. Republicans will continue with this extortion until the option to hold the economy hostage is no longer on the table. We won’t be able to get that kind of a rule change without solid majorities in both chambers though.
11:35 AM - May 29, 2023


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