Freedom Over Fascism Podcast
This is exactly right. Except I'd turn it around and say that we should abolish the idea of giving regular people only 2 weeks vacay. Also tying healthcare to employment is another thing that has to go!
John Gilman @JohnBGilman
Dangerous anachronisms in US democracy that should be abolished yesterday: the electoral college, Presidential pardons, the filibuster, lifetime SC justices & more than 2 weeks vacation for members of congress (& let 'em pay for their healthcare too).
07:20 AM - May 26, 2023
04:05 PM - May 30, 2023
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Texpat Nutmegger
In response to Freedom Over Fascism Podcast.
Job based healthcare keeps people pinned in jobs they hate because the benefits outweigh the negatives and it prevents many from becoming entrepreneurs. The other downside is unequal benefits and premiums for people that choose to work for small biz vs. large corporations.
04:21 PM - May 30, 2023


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