Wendy Stevens
thread 1/2
Hey Spouters, I am trying to work out why my time line is FILLED with spouts from accounts I don't follow & nothing from those I do. I'm INNUNDATED with US Politics & almost nothing else. As an Australian I'm not THAT interested. How can I change this? Any suggestions? (Tried block/unfollow etc)
09:39 PM - May 31, 2023
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Wendy Stevens
thread 2/2
That's it - No squad posts coming through & I follow HEAPS of them. I specifically seek the non-US ones in case that helps but no joy so far. Will keep blocking the ones I don't follow but it feels kinda wrong as I'm not opposed to them - just overwhelmed by them.
10:05 PM - May 31, 2023
Wendy Stevens
Yep - its weird - I do feel like people see my spouts tho I mostly just re-tweet. Maybe that's the issue? It's so easy to tailor yr feed on bird site but so hard on here so that's disappointing. Most of the stuff on my timeline is from accts I don't even follow. Hope #ChristopherBouzy is aware.
In response to Susan Brosche.
10:19 PM - May 31, 2023


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