Tom G. Hughes
It hurts, really it does. But if it saves the country from immediate economic crisis and further judicial chaos...well, at least there's at least a little more time to nab a Democratic majority, one that can do better on Climate Change and economic fairness.
uOMi @Suenosdeuomi
"Democrats didn't insert their promised $15 minimum wage or public health insurance option into the debt deal.

They inserted a massive fossil fuel pipeline into the deal, after the pipeline company became one of SenSchumer's top donors.
David Sirota #ClimateCrisis
09:56 PM - Jun 02, 2023
10:10 PM - Jun 02, 2023
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In response to Tom G. Hughes.
Keep working. Change for the better is more likely with the D party in power. They can be pressured & influenced to do better, which they have in many ways. Throwing your hands in the air and saying they’re the same is giving up, not resisting
10:35 PM - Jun 02, 2023


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