Baroness Kaydee
thread 1/2
It's this crap that made me turn my back on democrats. I don't live in a battleground state and vote for the candidate aligned to my priorities for the country (as we should). The last few cycles that was been the Green party and I will never regret those votes.
Khrissy Choate @KhrissyChoate
The DNC has decided not to hold democratic presidential primary debates. This does not upset me. I’m voting for #BidenHarris in 2024. There is nothing the two other so called democratic candidates could say to change my mind. Why are some people taking issue with there being no debates?
05:48 PM - Jun 05, 2023
06:39 PM - Jun 05, 2023
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Baroness Kaydee
thread 2/2
Oh FFS... A bunch of brain washed sheep. It's electoral, not popular votes that matter. It's why gore lost, it's why Clinton lost. Gore couldn't even convince his own state to vote for him. But bleating "vote blue no matter who" is worse than a third party vote. People like Sinema win that way.
07:03 PM - Jun 09, 2023
Running Bare
Oh I'm sorry despite the internet being world wide only Americans can have opinions on their politics.

Here's some advice if you don't like it, use block or mute, I won't be stopping anytime soon.
In response to M Briatack.
08:09 PM - Jun 05, 2023
M Briatack
In response to Running Bare.
My exact words were about elections if you are ignorant of how things are constitutionally set up, as the screenshot showed.
08:10 PM - Jun 05, 2023
Running Bare
In response to M Briatack.
My argument here is against people attempting to guilt trip by saying a vote for another party is a wasted vote, no its not, its not wasted because they're choosing who they want to vote for, that's fkn democracy, not coercion from left or right.
08:13 PM - Jun 05, 2023


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