Christopher Bouzy
We don't have a list feature yet. However, there are individuals who are openly discussing creating lists and/or groups to target people they feel are "aggressive." This is definitely not allowed and we will suspend anyone engaging in this type of harassment.
Joshua M. Dziba, PhD @jmdziba
Am not familiar with this feature, but just to understand, what should the feature be used for?

Or do you mean if one creates a list or group AND then uses that list or group to abuse those added to the list or group, then they are in violation of the platform's standards?
12:09 PM - Jun 17, 2023
12:49 PM - Jun 17, 2023
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Christopher, very tangential question: When we spot a hate account (like the racist trolls that have tried and failed), is it helpful to have lots of individual reports? Thanks
In response to Christopher Bouzy.
07:22 PM - Jun 17, 2023 (Edited)


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