Uncle Sugar
thread 1/6
He's so bad at this, the most incompetent campaign staff I have ever seen, he walks out to Hulk Hogan's I'm a real American, but family values, right? Now he's using his paid staff to show up to his events instead of knocking on doors because no one likes him, just so fucking pathetic, and as former
GOP Group Claims Desperate DeSantis Is PAYING His Supporters - YouTube

Iowa's Muscatine County Republican Party is claiming DeSantis has been bussing supporters in from out-of-state and paying them to show support to his campaig...

02:58 AM - Jul 01, 2023
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Uncle Sugar
thread 2/6
...Midwesterner called it, you gotta be able to work a room to win Iowa, you can't fake it, or learn it, or buy it, he'll be broke by the end of summer. Also 200 of the most corrupt, inane, misogynistic, racist, bigoted laws went in effect today July 1st from allowing radioactive waste in our roads
03:02 AM - Jul 01, 2023
Uncle Sugar
thread 3/6
...which won't happen without EPA approval, to ending permanent alimony, anyone conceal carry a gun without ant training to certify they even know how to handle a gun, and a laundry list of Christofacist laws, most will be thrown out in court, but he's flooding the zone hoping some won't.
03:06 AM - Jul 01, 2023
Uncle Sugar
thread 4/6
But just like in Wisconsin & Michigan, the GQP overreached and lost the state, the same patterns are playing out here, no one respects the pendulum, push too hard in one direction, just increases the momentum into the opposite direction, the laws of physics & politics agree on this principal.
03:09 AM - Jul 01, 2023
Uncle Sugar
thread 5/6
But absolute power changes people, makes them wrongly believe they can defy gravity, that they're special, well DeSantis wasted a bunch of awful billionaires hundreds of millions of dollars, some were rewarded with Florida Government largess see 95 million dollar interchange given to a donor.
03:12 AM - Jul 01, 2023
Uncle Sugar
thread 6/6
Can't wait to see how ICI homes sells that, maybe with radioactive roads that glow in the dark to light your way home? The Christofascist stuff is bad but the corrupt gifts to his billionaire donors are criminal.
03:15 AM - Jul 01, 2023 (Edited)


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