Whale World! Party Time! Excellent!
For those in the back - you WILL have to follow people to see stuff - and then follow more people and see more stuff, etc. Check out Making Waves and Suggested Follows, or search for specifics. Spoutible will not be pushing stuff AT you. And this is a good thing!
Leaundra Ross @Leaundraross
Welcome to new Spouters.

Remember Spoutible is only 5 months old.
@cbouzy is very great at telling us what's going on.
The good and the bad.

It's also safe here. He doesn't play around.
It's a great place to be.

Be patient and enjoy.

Also, you have to engage so people see you.
04:58 PM - Jul 01, 2023
05:04 PM - Jul 01, 2023
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