Asch Fair
Some ppl don’t understand that when we talk about things like “free healthcare”, “free education” etc we know gods damn well our taxes will pay for it
I’d rather have my taxes go to paying for education, healthcare etc then rotting in the pockets of corp congressional shills and others like them
05:57 PM - May 28, 2023
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Matt Egan he/him/his
In response to Asch Fair.
This is one of the biggest policy differences between Dems and GQP. We aren't dumb enough to fall for that trickle down economy shit, and we prefer our tax m6to go for the good of our fellow Americans than the top .001% of earners. That might be a democratic selling point for the 2024 election cycle
08:02 PM - May 28, 2023
Pierson Tyler-Leonard
In response to Asch Fair.
Sadly, people are more often then not befooled by the rhetoric & seemingly incapable of reading between the lines where everything then becomes a zero sum game for politicians.. And the Democrats are famously known to miss every opportunity to hit the messaging mark, which is why the GOP still exist
06:07 PM - May 28, 2023


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